Solucions “impossibles” per a les seves necessitats d’outdoor marketing, presentacions de productes, seminaris, esdeveniments singulars…
Farem que siguin inoblidables i memorables.
Soluciones “imposibles” para sus necesidades de eventos especiales, presentaciones, seminarios, lanzamientos…
Haremos que sean inolvidables y memorables.
Our “impossible” solutions for your special and memorable events, outdoor marketing events, roadshow or products launchment…
We’ll make them unforgettables.
Do you have any special need for your special seminar, product launchment, special event, experiential marketing, … or any special corporate idea ?
Let’s talk about it ! We’ll consider, we’ll develop and we’ll propose a singular and memorable – unforgettable solution for your special or “out of order” need.
Since 1991 we work into an international minded business focusing on customer events solutions including full organization and implementation.
Impossible is the outdoor marketing & special events division from TORNASOL AVENTURA