These activities are aimed at training and developing specific qualities and habilities of the personnel of a company.

(These programs may include one of the following actions or a combination of them)

Outdoor Training

Training courses which combine outdoor and reflection activities. These actions are intented to foster some training aspects which have been previously defined.

Experiential training allows the values and capacities of people beyond the comfort zone or the usual area of work to emerge; It stimulates imagination and creativity, develops teamwork and the cooperative sum of capacities of each member of the team. These programs are the ideal complement to the theoretical training sessions carried out by a coach or specialist who can provide the company or that we can recommend from Tornasol Events. After the experiential activities, a session of assessment and validation of the objectives achieved can be held.

Team Building

Actitivities aimed at promoting team work and building team cohesion.

Our Team Building activity programs are designed to develop the skills and capabilities of cooperative work among the members of a team. We divide the group into teams to develop a program in the form of competitiveness and sportsmanship to stimulate different abilities in people: cohesion, trust, communication, leadership, creativity, positive spirit and to solve problems, proof-error, observation…


Programs which foster leadership, personally excelling, decision making, assuming responsabilities and delegating.

Programs of activities to develop the spirit of leadership of people. Outside the usual work environment, outside the comfort zone, we make people stimulate values and abilities that are hidden, or we do not know. Activities designed to foster the skills of management, communication, teamwork, creativity and positive resolution of problems. Compatible with specific training sessions in management abilities and abilities, with stimulating talks, in languages, ... duration that can be adapted to your needs.

Business Games

Strategy games oriented to improve efficiency, planification, risks assumption, creativity

He is not the bravest nor the one who calls more what goes further. Games and activities designed to knit complicities, work in teams looking for the best capacities and contributions of each one to achieve a common goal. As a company, the goal is only achieved if we all come together, leaving no one back and taking advantage of the positive contributions of each member and with the best strategy.


Any of our programs are 100% customizable and according to your preferences and concerns! Get in touch with us and talk to us.